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Monday, July 6, 2009

Angel Sanctuary

The first time that I met you I wasn’t very sure what to think. For certain I knew that we were going to be good friends. I just wasn’t sure what to think beyond that. I thought I felt something flutter low in my belly but I dismissed it as a fleeting interest that would wane when the moment you ceased to be my “flavour of the week” so to speak. But that did not happen. I thought that when you walked out of my sight you would take along with you all my thoughts of something happening between us. You disappointed, well if we can call it that at all. Instead of moving on to other seemingly more important things I was left obsessing about whether you were harbouring the same thoughts that I was. Whether you were asking yourself what could be if only...or wondering how to proceed from where we had left off.

So like a teenager with a silly crush, I almost did a circus back flip when you finally called me after what seemed like an exaggerated eternity. I sighed with relief, at least I will grant you that honest confession, when you asked me out, because truth be told, the last thing that I wanted to see was a girlfriend in the background. I don’t think I would have handled such a discovery in the best of ways. Granted, I highly doubt that my ego...maybe even my dignity could have survived such a cruel attack. Nonetheless, I still had fears that this was just a passing fancy that would end once my curiosity was satisfied.

It’s been months now and my so called passing fancy seems to still be in transit, ha ha. I don’t remember ever feeling like this before in my life. I know that it sounds very cliché though we have to admit that more often than not, the truth is but a litany. I wasn’t looking for someone to complete me because I was not half baked anyway. I was looking more on the side of a complimentary. That secret condiment to a chef’s special. Someone who had what I had not and in similar fashion lacked what I had.

So you did exactly that, you came to temper my short comings. Of course at first I was mildly unhappy about you not liking what I did or not wanting to do what I did all the time. However, deep down inside I knew that you were exactly what I needed. Someone to tell me when I was jumping into things that I could not handle, someone to remind me that sometimes I need to slow down and think before rushing into something, someone to stop me from spending my money just because it was in my pocket, someone to... oh well, someone exactly like you.

So when you read this, I hope you understand why I still get tongue tied whenever you give me that killer smile.

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