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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Academy Of Dreaming

I want to be allowed to dream
To lay down in my own imagination
And build a life for me there
I need to be set free
To roam about in my own subconscious
To see a world beyond this reality
That has me subdued and stagnant
Even if just for a minute
Run wild in a world of made up names
And non-existent games
See talking cars and bikes and blimps
And upside-down buildings floating in the sea
But I’m stuck in this reality
Which with all its magnificent beauty
Is still a tad insufficient
Yet even with my head on my pillow
I yearn my escape to freedom
To a world that only I can dream of
How I so wish I hadn’t forgotten to dream.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Silence of the Sky

This house feels so empty, maybe too large even
Not a home anymore, not a place for family
Those soft echoes…almost too soft to hear
Yet just loud enough so we can’t ignore
Of silent whispers in the walls
And old reflections trapped in the mirrors
A subtle reminder of what was once here
Of who was once here
Babies running around the yard
To the ghastly soundtrack of your old lawnmower
The whole heartedness of our bond
That I was so fast to take for granted
Yet now I can’t, for the life of me
Ignore your penetrating absence
The constant chatter that drove me up the wall
Would now be a symphony to my ears
But there are no babies in the yard anymore
And there’s no you out in the lawn anymore
Just empty rooms and nostalgic pictures
And the lingering loss that will not fade

Blade In The Door

Broken hearts and crushed souls
Lost tears and wishful thinking
So much time spent wishing, missing,
Wondering how and when we got so cold
How we missed the signs
And kept on pushing
A love gone sour
Two souls gone cold and unfeeling
I hurt you and you hurt me
And we walked away two broken people


How do I stay and wipe your tears
When I know that they shed for me?
How do I embrace you in my arms
When I know it’s me your heart bleeds for?
That it’s my feet under which your soul was crushed?
But was it so selfish of me
To walk out of a love so sincere
To punish you for daring to love me
And reject a commitment so divine
When all I felt was emptiness
And all I saw was misery
Was it so selfish of me not to reciprocate?
Was it so selfish of me
To put myself first?